Spiritual Chapter 25 - "Dhikr"
From: Spiritual Book 02 - "The Pearl of Wisdom",
Author: His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
copy of the drawing and/or a hard copy of the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom"
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
Original Version - of Chapter 25:
In performing the Dhikr, the words "La illaha" should be breathed out through the left nostril without moving the tongue, but with a movement of the tip of the tongue.
The breath should rise from the "Moolaathaaram" which is the space between the rectum and the root of the genital, and should be exhaled from the left nostril.
With what sound should the breath be exhaled?
With no sound at all. The breath should be exhaled noiselessly. When you exhale, your breath (should move) with (wisdom, with the consciousness of) the words "La illaha", meaning,
"There is nothing other than You",
There should be no noise, but a consciousness in the heart. No noise from the heart should be heard outside.
The exhaling of the breath through the left nostril is known as the "Chandra kali" or the art of the moon breath.
In similar fashion, the breath is inhaled with the resonance of the words "Ill Allahu", without raising the tongue (again moving with wisdom, with the consciousness of this word in the heart, but no noise from the heart should be heard outside), meaning,
"You are Allah.
There is nothing other than You.
Without You there is no other help, because I do not exist.
You are with me. Be inside my heart.
Do not be separated from me."
This is the meaning of making "It" stay in the heart.
This is done by inhaling the breath through the right nostril and establishing it in the heart.
This is known as the "Suriya kali" or the art of the sun breath.
As I said earlier, the breath that comes from the lower end of the knot of the spinal column, through the left nostril, is the "Chandra kali", or the moon breath.
The breath that is put out from the lowest part of the region of the spinal column through the left nostril is with the consciousness of "La illaha". The breath that is inhaled through the right nostril should be drawn in with the consciousness of "Ill Allahu" and established in the heart. Its name is "Suriya kalai" which is the art of the sun breath.
If these breaths are carefully drawn separately, both sparks will become one spark. At this point there is "Mei gnaa nam" (The True Wisdom or Consciousness). If twenty one thousand six hundred and twenty one (21,621) breaths are performed each day, God will be inside you and you will be inside Him. Both will become One.
My Son, you will Now see all the Universes, the Arsh, the Kursi, the Kalam, Heaven, and hell. All will be seen. This is the "Maha gnaa nam" (The Greatest Wisdom or Consciousness). It is extremely rare to conduct yourself in this way.
In the same manner, the four religions employ several methods, dividing and dividing to operate within the kalais. There are several matters pertaining to this. To identify and recognize each kalai and to establish it in the proper place you need a good Guru.
Swami, O Guru Leader, I have very carefully assimilated what you have spoken. Amen
End of Chapter 25
A Note About The Drawing - included with Chapter 25, and about obtaining a
copy of the drawing and/or a hard copy of the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom
[Note: On page 86 of this beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", as part of this beautiful discourse on the "Dhikr" by His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), there is a drawing with the following Title:
"The Spiritual Internal Organs of Gnanam"
A drawing with the following caption,
"The Resplendent Light that appears
by the subtle art of rising and lowering the pranic currents
associated with the in-going and out-going breaths (Dhikr)
results in Gnanam"
This drawing is not currently reproduced as part of this on-line version of the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom". Please see a hard copy of the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom", page 86, for a copy of this drawing, or contact "Us" at Muhaiyaddeen786@aol.com, and "We" will send you information on obtaining a copy of the drawing, and/or of obtaining a hard copy of this beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom". Thank you. Enjoy. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Amen. My love you - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)]
End of Spiritual Book 02
- Chapter 25 -
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